About this goofy looking guy...
Yeah, that's me.
See my beard? Ain't it weird?
Don't be afeared, it's just a beard!
So...I am an Early Childhood Educator who graduated from Fanshawe College with my Diploma in E.C.E. way back in 1985. I've been in the field, as they say, ever since.
Since 2004 I've been living in Sioux Lookout, a Northwestern Ontario community, most recently working in an Aboriginal Head Start childcare program.
Working with children for as long as I have has afforded me, I think, some insights into how their amazing minds work...what they find engaging, what they feel about the world around them, and, maybe most importantly for me, what makes them laugh. Not all children's books need to be funny or silly, of course. But mine do. With a life full of rules, lessons, and doing things that probably don't always make sense, I like to write stories that will appeal to their sense of humor and maybe even the absurd (they may not know the word, but they know absurd when they see it!).
My stories might try to pass on a message, or concept, hidden in the words, but I try not to be too heavy handed about it...after all, life is serious enough already.
When you purchase one of my books, you are supporting a self-published author/illustrator who writes for the wee ones he has spent his life working with.
Trying to expand my reach....follow me on one or all of these socials!